Monday, July 6, 2009

Instant Messaging in a Business Setting

Instant messaging, when used properly, can be a very effective tool to increase efficiency in a business setting. There are many great reasons why businesses should incorporate instant messaging as a part of their companies.

Instant messaging can reduce time and effort communicating. After typing a message, one must press 'enter' and the message will pop up in the other user's screen almost instantaneously-quite a remarkable tool. This is much easier than sending an email and also eliminates the small talk that is usually done via telephone calls. Another pro of instant messaging is that nowadays, clients can download a mobile version straight to their cell phone for no charge. Also, clients can communicate with one another via the mobile IM in places where a telephone call wouldn't work out. Nowadays, IM is also capable of holding video calls-a huge advantage for the business world. Instead of traveling many miles to have a face to face conversation, businesses can now hold conference calls via IM. This save a lot of time and money and can be a very effective tool. In addition, file transfer is also available on IM and is just as great as sending an attachment via email.

Although there can be great benefits to IM in a business setting, there are huge challenges that companies may face. I know from firsthand experience how distracting IM can be. You can sign online to merely ask a homework question and instead, find yourself gossiping online for several hours without even realizing it. This could easily occur in a business setting, thus decreasing productivity. Another risk of IM is the spread of viruses and worms on a computer system. Links for these viruses spread easily through IM, contaminating the computer with potential spam and hackers that can steal confidential information.

In a business setting IM can be a very useful tool, but rules about its use definitely need to be established. Along with the use of IM must come responsibility and usage for the efficiency of the company.


  1. This is a great idea! Instant messaging is a great tool to communicate with people, especially when in a quite work environment you are unable to always be on the phone. I feel there could be certain Instant messaging programs created by the company so they could monitor unnecessary conversations between employees so that Instant messaging could merely be used to efficiently communicate for business purposes. Since people not only instant message through computers but also through phones such as the blackberry or Iphone, people could communicate all the time no matter where they are with up to date information. I believe there are definitely more positives to this idea than negatives! Great blog!

  2. IM definitely saves time when trying to get a message to somebody, especially if they are already logged on.
    I did an internship at a company that had their own IM for the employees to communicate with each other, across different countries. Other than the time difference factor it helped get the message across much faster than email.

  3. Strong blog
    I agree that instant messaging saves a tremendous amount of time and more communication should be done that way because of how efficient it is

  4. I also agree that if instant messaging was allowed in the workplace many rules would have to be established. Certain things such as credibility would have to be discussed. Giving a phone number out to someone is one thing because calls can be monitored through number screening and voices can at times be recognized. Using a screen name for business transactions would mean less security because someone else could have a similar screen name as a client and that could lead to important info leaking out.
